
Advanced Java Project

Welcome to the Advanced Java Project! This application is designed to demonstrate advanced Java concepts and features, such as multithreading, networking, and database integration. The project offers a platform for users to perform complex operations and interact with various system components.

Table of Contents


Technologies Used

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow the steps outlined below.



  1. Clone the repository:
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
     cd advanced-java-project
  3. Install dependencies:
     mvn install


Configure the application by setting up environment variables or modifying configuration files in the src/main/resources directory.

  1. Database Configuration: Update the or equivalent configuration file with your MySQL database connection details such as URL, username, and password.

  2. Tomcat Server Configuration: Deploy the application to the Apache Tomcat server by copying the WAR file to the webapps folder.


  1. Build the project:
     mvn clean package
  2. Deploy the project: Copy the generated WAR file from the target folder to the webapps folder of your Apache Tomcat server.

  3. Start the Apache Tomcat server and access the application at http://localhost:8080/your-app-name or the specified context path.


The project includes unit and integration tests. Run the tests using the following command:

```bash mvn test